
Excitement filled the car as my spiritual sister and I drove down the highway, heading to the Woman Evolve IRL conference. The atmosphere was electric—we were filled with anticipation, eager to get in the room and hear a word from the Lord. Between the chatter and giggles, I happened to glance out the window as we exited the highway. Something caught my eye.....
My garden is my happy place. It’s where I go to clear my head when life’s clutter makes me feel like I’m trapped in an overstuffed closet. One morning, as I walked toward my little sanctuary, something white caught my eye. My first thought? Great. Something fell on my plant. Probably a neighbor’s stray plastic bag or some mysterious garden debris.
Have you ever had someone take your words out of context, twisting them to mean something you never intended? It’s frustrating, right? Well, the enemy has been doing this since the beginning of time, and he’s especially skilled at twisting God’s Word to manipulate us.
After I watched the movie, “This Ends With Us” I found myself asking the same question—what must end with me? Some families pass down wealth, thriving businesses, or a legendary sweet potato pie recipe. Others? We inherit generational trauma, bad tempers, and the fine art of pretending everything is fine when it’s clearly not.
Driving around and around the parking lot at my doctor’s office, my stress level started rising as the clock inched closer to my 9:00 a.m. appointment. Every space seemed to be taken, except for one tantalizingly open spot marked “Reserved for The Pain Clinic.” Now, I wasn’t going to The Pain Clinic, but I sure was feeling some pain as I debated whether or not to park there.
The Hebrew word “Kadosh” means “holy” or “set apart.” It reminds us of God's unmatched purity and perfection. At a recent conference, I heard the song Kadosh. As I engaged in worship, I could feel the Holy Spirit moving in and through the atmosphere, saturating the space with His presence.