
The Hebrew word “Kadosh” means “holy” or “set apart.” It reminds us of God's unmatched purity and perfection. At a recent conference, I heard the song Kadosh. As I engaged in worship, I could feel the Holy Spirit moving in and through the atmosphere, saturating the space with His presence.
Let’s be real. If God had a fashion show, the “Armor of God” would absolutely steal the runway. Forget Gucci or Prada—this is divine couture, designed for victory in life’s spiritual battles. The best part? One size fits all, and it’s always in season. But here’s the catch: you’ve actually got to put it on. It doesn’t just hang in your prayer closet, looking good for Sunday mornings.
A few months ago, I noticed one of my backyard plants bent over like it had just pulled an all-nighter or lost a fight with gravity. I assumed it was just reaching for sunlight, like someone stretching for the last slice of pizza on a crowded table.
The parent group chat was unusually lively tonight, buzzing with constant vibrations and notifications. Curious, I opened my phone to see what the commotion was about. Turns out, the kids had a Social Studies test the next morning, and parents were in a frenzy trying to figure out where the practice test was hiding online. Amid all this chaos, my daughter seemed unnervingly calm—cool as a cucumber, I tell you.
This year, I decided it was time to break the news to my daughter—Santa isn’t real. I ditched the whole “Elf on the Shelf” routine and became a human megaphone, repeating like a broken record that Santa does not exist. Case closed, right? Wrong.
Pedaling the safari cycle through the zoo, with the unmistakable aroma of animals filling the air, I found myself pondering one critical question: “Shyann, what are you doing here?” Somehow, my sweet-talking daughter had roped me into chaperoning her school field trip. And somehow—against all better judgment—I said yes. Little did I know, the true adventure wasn’t in the exotic wildlife but in surviving the day with a safari cycle full of ten-year-olds.