Attitude of Gratitude

Psalms 107:8-9 NIV

“Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.”

As a type A personality, I usually like things well planned out. I normally have a backup plan for every plan. When things don’t go as I think they should, disappointment usually sets in, which leads to discontentment. Oh yes, I would fuss and whine, like a 3-year-old, even throwing tantrums at times. However, as I grew in my relationship with God, I was mandated to stop griping and complaining and just be grateful. If I was going to be led by God, then his plan must be my main plan. I had to learn to see my life as a blessing, instead of focusing on the things that are not going as planned, while being open to the concept that “all things will work together for the good of those that love God and are called according to his purpose” – Romans 8:28.

The Lord has taught me that a grateful heart is a receptive heart. If I weren’t grateful for what I had, I would not be open to the greater plan he has in store for me. I have learned that his way is always the best. Because of this, I now know how to dance in delays. I have experienced a mind shift, seeing my glass as half full instead of half empty. I developed an expectant heart, filled with excitement about what wonderful things God has in store for me to fill the other half.

In this season, I sense that God is teaching me how to fall in love with the life I have and to be content in my “highs” and my “lows”. As Philippians 4:12 nicely puts it, I now know, “how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things, I have learned both to be full and to be hungry”. While the grass appears greener on the other side, I am quickly learning that people only show their “trailers”, highlighting what appears attractive. The truth is no one’s life is perfect, and money doesn’t fix everything. Even the billionaires experience brokenness, loneliness, and rejection. One thing I know for sure is that gratitude to God generates happiness and sustains joy. What we appreciate, appreciates in number and value. Gratitude erodes hopelessness and enviousness. It ignites faith as we journey along the streets of uncertainty. Holy Gratitude gently nudges us to stare at God’s handy work in our lives, acknowledging his wondrous power and trusting his will.

In this Thanksgiving season, choose to keep on your garment of gratitude, despite the showcase that life has on your runway. Allow the attitude of gratitude to welcome God’s will and plans even when He does things his way. Choose not to be an ingrate, complaining about the “spiritual sleeping police” that are on your troubled streets. Those might just be slowing you down, to place you on “Right Street” at the ideal time. Delay is not denial. Delay leads to our God-ordained destinations when we take God’s route. Through gratitude, position your heart to patiently wait for the promises of God to be manifested in your life.


I challenge you to create a Gratitude Goblet. Every day, write at least 1 thing that you are grateful for that day, adding the date. Keep it in a place where you will remember to do the exercise. For example, on your work desk or bedside table.  On Thanksgiving Day or your birthday each year, go back and read them and have a powerful praise service.

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