At The Front Of The Line



Years ago, I recall going to the passport office to apply for my new passport. The queue was so long that an overflow tent had been set up outside to accommodate the excess applicants. I might have had number 650, judging by the crowd 🤣. However, I had no choice but to sit and wait my turn. After a few hours of waiting outside in the heat, I finally got inside to wait for a few more hours in the air conditioning. The day seemed long and hard, but eventually, my number was called, and I got my application and passport processed.


Reflecting on that seemingly endless wait, I feel excited as I remember the relief I felt when I finally reached the front of the line. Though no one gave me a ‘cut’ in the line, my time did come. My waiting was not in vain.


Similarly, your waiting is not in vain. Though long and hard, it’s just part of the process. You are coming to the front of the line to receive what you have been praying for. You are about to walk in answered prayers.


Wait in confidence, knowing that your number will be called any moment now. Remain in God and let His words remain in you while waiting for your turn to be served.


1 John 5:14 says, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” It doesn’t say He acts on our request immediately; it says He hears.


I declare that this is the month when the prayers ‘heard’ will become requests ‘granted’. You will be at the top of God’s priority list, witnessing mind-blowing miracles, signs, and wonders. Your breakthrough is near. This month, you will share your testimony anchored in Psalm 34, declaring to everyone, “Come taste and see that the Lord is good.”


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