I have a large palm tree to the side of my house. The seeds keep falling, causing palm seedlings to overgrow my garden. Believe me, I don’t have enough hands to pull up the seedlings because they grow so fast.
Placing a seed in the palm of my hand, marvelling at the beautiful orange colour, it occurred to me that the seeds looked nothing like the tree. The seed by itself looks so tiny and powerless, but when planted in fertile soil, it births such a strong powerful tree. This got me thinking about us humans.
So often, we look at ourselves in isolation of the fertile soil (Jesus), seeing merely a tiny seed. We sometimes think that because of the situations around us, we are insignificant. Compared to what and who we are up against, we feel too small. But if we could only see the tree in our seed, we would know that our present form is not who we will always be. When we are planted in Jesus, our seed becomes so potent. We just need to position ourselves under his soil, abiding in him and doing as he says.
Today, I encourage you to see the tree in your seed. Every successful person had to start from small beginnings. “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones.” – Luke 16:10. Indeed, you will be fruitful in both small and large things. You are not just a seed my friends, you are the foundation of a tree. Without you, there is no tree. I can assure you that your seed will birth fruitful trees. Your seed will one day become a grove of fruit trees.
Declaration (repeat with me).
I choose to see the tree in my seed. Lord, I choose to plant myself in you. Through you, I am becoming stronger and more powerful with each passing day. I believe that great things are ahead of me. I choose to be obedient to you Lord, as you order my steps and stops. Who I am today is not who I will be tomorrow. Day by day, I am becoming the “tree” that you have called me to be. I am evolving, not just changing. I am becoming the best version of myself. In Jesus name, Amen.