The Faithful Path



Scripture Focus

“Look at the proud one; his soul is not right within him, but the righteous will live by his faith [in the true God].” — Habakkuk 2:4 AMP


Living by faith calls us to remain steadfast in every season of our lives. It’s about more than mere belief; it’s about embodying faith in the way we walk, talk, rest, and breathe. It’s a commitment to a lifestyle deeply rooted in trust in God.


This path isn’t always easy, but it’s what God asks of us. Our faith shouldn’t be contingent upon our circumstances; it shouldn’t waver depending on whether we can see God’s hand at work. Instead, we’re called to trust in His promises and His Word, whether His presence is evident or not.


When I think of someone who truly lives by faith, my friend Karen immediately comes to mind. No matter the challenges she faces, her confidence in God’s goodness never falters. Many would have turned away in her situation, but not Karen.


My dear friend has battled cancer—not once, but twice. Even when the doctors told her it had spread to her liver, her faith remained unshaken. During what feels like her ‘millionth’ chemo session, she still prays for others and worships God. I’ll never forget when she said to me, “God uses wounded soldiers.”


Karen is my faith partner. Whenever my faith feels tested, I turn to her for support, and every time, I find my faith renewed and my steps realigned with God’s path.


Today, I want to share a few principles that can help you not just walk by faith but truly live by it:

  1. Surrender completely to God’s will.
  2. Cultivate an eternal perspective—everything on earth is temporary.
  3. Surround yourself with faith-filled friends and accountability partners.
  4. Be a “faith keeper” for others—remind them of God’s unwavering goodness.
  5. Pray without ceasing—maintain constant communication with God.
  6. Build a reservoir of faith that you can draw from in any circumstance.
  7. Know God’s Word—immerse yourself in scripture and ensure you’re spiritually armored daily.
  8. Serve others—whether through volunteering your time or supporting a cause rooted in God’s love.

I encourage you to embrace these practices, so you too can live by faith. God bless you.


Dedicated to my ‘Faith Partner’ – Karen Coy-Marin

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